Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Babies in the front yard

Andrew had an appointment with his eye doctor yesterday and on the way there he talked about how much he liked going there because they have a playhouse and a caboose in the waiting room and they also have a toy in the exam room that he likes very much. I don't know how that related to his next topic, but maybe it was because there was a doctor involved in his next story as well. He said: "Guess what, Omi, there were babies in our front yard!" He wasn't very forthcoming on when this event happened and told me that there were 10 babies in all. I asked him what he did with the babies and he said that he picked them all up (quite a task for one little guy) and brought them inside, and then the doctor came and took them to the hospital. I was left to wonder what the significance of this story was, because once he's done with a story, that's it, but at least it had a happy ending - the doctor took care of the babies.

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