Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scholastic achievements

The other day, when I picked up Spencer from school, he was very excited to show us the little toy frog he got out of the treasure box, a reward for good behavior. Of course, Andrew was not to be outdone and immediately launched into a success story of his own, which started off with "when I was 12 years old and went to Bowie High School" and drew an immediate response from Spencer, who informed Andrew in no uncertain terms that Andrew wasn't 12 years old and even if he was, he wouldn't go to high school until he was at least 14 and the whole thing was just a lie.
Andrew was of course unfazed and continued on with the actual point he was trying to make, which was that he also got a toy from the treasure chest for good behavior. Spencer tried to point out that there are no treasure chests in high school, but Andrew simply ignored that as well. Maybe he has a point - why can't high schools have treasure chests for good behavior?

1 comment:

  1. I agree, they should have a treasure chest of rewards for kids who do what they are supposed to do and are doing it well.
